Client perspectives on Working With Dr. Suraji Wagage

Verified reviews from Zocdoc. No reviews omitted.


“I worked with Suraji for over one year, and in that time, I completely changed my life. Thanks to her help and expertise, I now have better relationships, better sleep, peace of mind, and much better communication skills. I'm now able to achieve more of my goals and really live the life I've always wanted for myself. I am so grateful to have worked with her- she changed my life!”


“Dr. Suraji helped me through one of the most difficult periods of my life. Her approach and CBT helped me literally transform my brain. She is thoughtful, smart, and is really caring and personable. I would highly recommend her if you're interested in using CBT to treat anxiety and depression.”


“Dr. Wagage is incredibly kind and understanding. She encouraged me to challenge myself without ever forcing me beyond my limits of comfort. She's an excellent provider and I'd recommend her to anyone trying therapy for the first time or looking to make more progress!”


“I struggled with acute insomnia and general anxiety due to stress from work, life, pandemic etc. Dr. Suraji Wagage was great in helping me developing strategies for dealing with anxiety and getting my normal sleep on track. It took a few months to get my normal sleeping pattern back and it was a gradual process. Afterwards, I always felt comfortable setting up check-in session with Dr. Wagage to discuss how to deal with insomnia triggers and new stressful situations. Overall, I highly recommend her for anyone struggling regularly with insomnia.”


“Dr. Wagage was an incredible help in learning to manage my OCD. She is kind and smart and I am so grateful to have worked with her!”


“I had a great experience with Dr. Wagage. I felt very comfortable in all of our sessions, and I felt that our meetings were a safe space for me to talk about what was going on. Dr. Wagage was very professional in every way. I am glad that I was able to work with her.”


“CBT with Dr. Wagage was a game changer. I was challenged to unravel thoughts and exposed to new ways I can change my own behavior. It requires homework - must do homework! But completely worth the effort. Everything is manageable, panic particularly can be such a threatening feeling but its definitely manageable. Dr. Wagage was patient and kind, but most importantly - genuine. Highly recommended.”


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